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Worst Places to Hide Your Valuables While Visiting a Beach on The Big Island

We get so many calls from people loosing their rings, that we hope visitors get to read this before coming to our beautiful island of Hawaii


People often times take their rings off to go swim and they place their rings in towels. Well, what happens is that once they are done swimming, they come back and utilize their towels to dry, and they forget that their rings where there. We have had so many calls about people loosing their rings this way, that this method is at the top of the list.


A couple a days ago we ventured on a search for a ring. The story was that the kids decided to play with the backpack and ended up misplacing a very valuable ring. Besides backpacks being bulky, they have lots of pockets and the item can be easily misplaced. For this reason, we do not recommend using backpacks for storing your valuable items

Jacuzzi Tubs

Many vacation rental offer gorgeous jacuzzis. Most of them are placed outside for people to enjoy nature. We have had calls in the past where people take off their rings and they place the rings right on the edge of the jacuzzi. They relax and next thing they know the ring is gone and lost into the woods.

Kayak compartment

Oh, this is another place where people place their rings on vacations. If you are going to use the kayak compartment, make sure that the items are safely place in a ziplock back, or some sort of protection before venturing out into rivers or oceans.


We have come to the conclusion that the best hiding spot would be a glove compartment. You get easily get some sort of small bag, place the items safely and once you are back from enjoying the sun and sand, you can put your rings back on with no problem.

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